Masutani May Portrait Shot and Profile Image

Masutani May is an artist from Singapore living in Toyama, Japan.

May uses glass to convey the ephemeral and transient quality of moments between people and their interactions with the surrounding environment. There is an underlying theme concerning human nature and the subconscious mind in her work. Although a seeming nothingness, she views it as a place of transition where things simultaneously come into existence and ceases to be. May sees this as a silent and unspoken communication that happens between individuals and comprehensively in the natural world.

She has a notion that people possess an imperceptible aura that serves as a shared, mutually understood language. May employs minimalistic forms to generate modules which in turn form larger constructions. These elements are both balanced and dynamic, with internal structures continually transmuting as the viewer moves around the work. The subtle hint offered through this optical play in her work represents the intermediate space that is ever shifting, constant in its changing.

May graduated from the Toyama Institute of Glass Art in 2020 and has been living and working in Toyama since.

Photograph by Takumi Kawashita